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MicroShift 9 Speed Flat Bar Shifter Set - 2/3 x 9 Speed

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2/3 x 9 Speed (Silver)

MicroShift 9 Speed Flat Bar Shifter Set - 2/3 x 9 Speed - 2/3 x 9 Speed (Silver)
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2/3 x 9 Speed (Black)

MicroShift 9 Speed Flat Bar Shifter Set - 2/3 x 9 Speed - 2/3 x 9 Speed (Black)
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MicroShift 9 Speed Flat Bar Shifter Set - 2/3 x 9 SpeedMicroShift 9 Speed Flat Bar Shifter Set - 2/3 x 9 Speed
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Because 3 times 9 should equal 27

Somewhere in the evolution from friction shifters to indexed shifters to trigger shifters and brifters, we came to accept that a 3X9 drivetrain might only have 15 gears. Without the ability to trim the front derailleur, some gear combinations would cause the chain to rub. No matter how many little bends were stamped into the front derailleur cages, when paired with indexed shifters, they just couldn't accommodate the range of chain angles needed to reach all 9 cogs in the back.

Instead of getting an apology for the lost gears, we were warned about Extreme Chain Angles and the harm we’d inflict on our gears and chains if we used the granny gear up front with the little cog in the back, or the big chainring with the big rear sprocket.

Ok, I can see how those combinations might be a bad idea, but whose drivetrain is it, anyway? And what about the no-so-extreme gears that we also lost?

Trigger shifters were nifty for a while, but for daily use in a wide variety of conditions, thumb shifters offer greater utility.

Things I love about these shifters:
- The front shifter is friction-only, as the Flying Spaghetti Monster intended.
- The rear shifter is perfectly indexed.
- I get 27 gears, free of chain rub, that I can use at my own discretion.
- I can easily shift with my bulky winter mittens.
- The shifters are easy to set up.
- The finish is gorgeous, and the quality appears to be excellent.

Would Buy Again: Yes
Would Recommend: Yes

Reviewed on: January 25, 2015
Reviewed by: Alex D.

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